All People Free is a 501c3 (EIN 82-1638126) registered in Washington State. All donations in the United States are Tax-deductible in full or part.
What happens to your donation?
100% of our donations are put into action! We use 10% to raise more funds and 90% to grow our programs. By using part of your contribution to raise funds, we are able to make your donation more effective and multiply to help more people. The administration of All People Free is being covered by the support of a few private sponsors.
For sponsorship opportunities, trusts, wills, end of life donations, and large contributions please contact us directly.
What accountability do we have?
Our finances are directed by a board and accounted for by Avlon Finance. The finance committee is composed of individuals who have a proven record of accomplishment of financial stewardship for businesses and non-profit organizations. We have a Platinum Star seal of approval from Guidestar since 2023. You can click on the seal at the bottom of this page for more information.
For questions or more information, please contact us.